Monday, February 14, 2011

Trip to Oahu, Honolulu

Travel planning

Accommodation Options
Considering that Oahu is a well-developed city, and has very convenient bus transportation, we skipped car rental and opt for hostel accommodation near the heart of Waikiki and most attractions.
1) Hotel at

2) Bed & breakfast

3) Hostel website

Transportation Options
1) For travel from Buffalo to Oahu during the peak period (Dec-Feb), we were able to get a very good deal by naming our own price at$740 including taxes and fees. The price were good, and layover duration was reasonable, less than 2 hours for connecting flight. Total travel time was about 12-13 hours.
2) Car rental at the island may range from $50-80 per day during the peak period from Dec- Feb including tax, fees and insurance.
3) Scooter rental is probably a good option since insurance is not required ($50 per day)
4) Bicycle rental range between $15- $20 website
5) Public bus is $2.50 one way, valid for transfer within 2 hours or a visitor pass $25 valid for 4 consecutive days. website

About this blog

Lee: I would like to write about travel, photography, and camera related stuff.

Pentax DA 40mm